The Founder's Books・創業者の本
Books published by Leonard・レオナードが出版した本
An ordinary employee decides to start his own business and become his own boss. As if this endeavor isn't challenging enough, imagine doing this in a foreign country, where additional obstacles like cultural differences and language barriers abound. How can he succeed?
In this candid memoir, Leonard Loo shares what it took to achieve his goal of being a self-sufficient individual in Japan. You’ll learn about how he set himself up to run his own business while still working 12 hours a day; how the response rate to his cold emails grew from less than 1% to more than 50%; how he managed to supplement his business income (and indirectly prepare for retirement) with smart and forward-thinking investments; and more. With his analytical mindset and resolute approach, Loo’s story is an in-depth account of a Filipino national taking charge of his own future through sheer hard work, resourcefulness, and simple decency.
Additional Information
- published on 2019 October 27
- available in both electronic (Kindle) and print format
From Having a Boss to Being My Own Boss
How I took control of my future to become independent (time-wise and money-wise) in Japan
Available in at least the following Amazon Marketplaces:
A child realizes how inconsiderate he/she was acting by becoming the target of those same actions, courtesy of Manny the Monster.
Written and illustrated in the first person, it is the author’s hope that little readers will be able to easily put themselves in the main character’s shoes and discover how to be considerate.
Toothy starts to think that he is different from ‘others’ who share similar traits. With Manny’s help, he later realizes that though the ‘others’ have similarities, they are also different.